Langlade County Trail Kent/Burma Rd – Kettlebowl Ski Area

Kent Rd/Burma Rd north to Kettlebowl Ski area
2006 Companion Guide Northern part of Kettle bowl ski area
est. 6 miles.
40’s  rain threatening. 
After some discussion on what we wanted to to do our last day, hike needed to be a bit shorter due to our drive home today.  We decided to find where the trail meets Burma Rd and hike north to Kettlebowl.  It was in the direction of home.  Finding the trail was a bit difficult.  Kent Rd on the map turns into Burma Rd, which in my definition is not much more than a ATV trail.  A firelane I presume.  We did not want to travel much further, found a place to park and started walking the road.  Hoping we took the right fork.  We did finally hit up on the trail, figured we walked a good mile down the road before we did.  
The trail quickly went off road and hiked up some good hills.  Terrain was single trail, very scenic, nice variety.  Well marked.
It soon went back to following firelane/ATV paths.  This section was probably the most dramatic.  Deep ravines, beautiful forests, awesome granite/quartz/other rocks and boulders.  Some boulders one has to wonder how they are just sitting in the middle of such steep hills.  Much of the hike was noted to be on private land – we extend thanks to the owners of that land.  Group seemed to be in a very giggly mood.  Must be the hike getting to us. 
The sign Big Stone Hole caught our attention and we had to investigate.  Not marked well, one sign post knocked down.  Area was being cleared of trees, many tree tops laying around.  Not sure why.  Unfortunately many tree tops were laying all around Big Stone Hole, so the hole was hard to see.  It is an awesome geological area, now scarred by downed trees.  One hopes it is again for the good of the area?
Had lunch here. 
We met one truck, I think other than talking to the resident yesterday we met – no other vehicles or people.
Danielle decided we could easily buy some of this land and just keep busy finding new and interesting rocks.  Many pictures taken of plants/oddities to be identified. 
We ended the hike at Kettlebowl ski hill.  Nice shelter, looks like nice local skiing.  Rose decided after one mention that she wanted to run up the hill and roll down it.  Not sure where one gets that ambition except from being young.  She did it.  Big hiking boots and all.  She rolled so fast, it looked dangerous.   
1:30 we headed for home.  Tired and ready for some fast food! 
Photographs from this trip compliments of Kay and Karie. 
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